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Operation Western Front feedback

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:49 pm
by THKInternational
this post is designed to be presented to pat and Russ from toxic for feedback on their Operation western front. Also I exect only people who attended this game to post here not what you heard from someone who went if you didnt go you post will be crossed out when given to pat.
All I ask is for the good the bad the ugly and how they can improve this for the next one in may I suggest dropping tthe price to at the most 60 dollars to go.

Re: Operation Western Front feedback

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:17 am
by IconarmsDealer
Any feedback should be directed to Toxic air soft Directly...IMO

Re: Operation Western Front feedback

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:19 pm
by THKInternational
I did talk to them but near the end of game 3 there was like 5-7 russians playing to 31 ish player so they called it 30 early but they split teams evenly and they played the last 30 found a giant foam block and tried to use it as C4 but they (toxic) thought that The TAC players where disappointed with the game and left early or quit. Ultimentra explained to me that he was at his limit and Slim seemed there too I brought alot water and some jerky so I had a little more energy near the end of the day. But this is just to adress issues and concerns for the guys at Toxic.
food was awesome BTW that is probably where most of the money went.
I talked to the "ULTIMATE" lady said she was very satisfied with how things went only a small window damage I bleive at one point the ASM guys lent her a gun on the US team and she played a good 10 minutes before she got out.

Re: Operation Western Front feedback

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:20 pm
by THKInternational
Ultimentra wrote:Report this postReply with quoteRe: "Operation Western Front"
by ultimentra on Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:35 pm

Well, if I had to put OPWF into one word, that would be "interesting". I have to say, airsofting at Old Tucson was a fun and unique experience in its self, and maneuvering through the tight alleyways and back corridors was a very new thing for me. The whole place was very MOUT-esque. I thought Old Tucson did very well, their staff was friendly, informative, and helpful.

On the other hand though, TA has alot to work on. Most of the bad things in this game came from 2 things-

1) Lack of experience of the (very) limited admin staff.
2) Player crowd.

The admin staff could very well learn a thing or two from TAC. 49th has seen the effect that NON-PLAYING game staff can have on the smoothness of operations of a game, in comparison to staff that is trying to play and run the game at the same time. TA admin will do well to take heed of this.

Purely their mistakes boil down inexperience. Last minute rule changes, ill informed field admins, and lack of a strict timeframe and FRAGO/OPORDS where the down falls to this game. Many times I tried to get intel from admins over the radio for grid co-ords from the maps they provided us for our objective with no answer, and last minute rule changes were just fuel on the fire.

I appreciate the fact that they made this a midcap only game. However, midcaps do not make any game a mil-sim game. They definitely help, but a milsim game is made of many parts, one big one of which is the player base. These players were not mil-sim players. There fore, the game took on the tone of a usual DP/TA session. There was a bit of cheating going on, and at one point people from the NATO team starting firing at our squad from the parking lot, using peoples cars as cover. (Of course, we did not fire back at them). Theres no rule confusion to be made there, using peoples cars as cover is just a case of bad taste and bad character.

Like I have said before, this just makes me appreciate the honorable and generally easy going community we have here that much more. With this being said, if TA were willing to allow TAC to integrate/coordinate with them on an event like this one in the future, I believe that the fantasy game in question would either turn out very well or very badly.

All being said, they did do some things right. They had maps for both teams with a grid. This will turn out very useful if they begin to integrate it with their organization more. They had a fair handle on direction of game flow, people (in the beginning) were constantly moving about the opsite and there always seemed to be something going on. And they had chronographs. Brownie points for those.

Just a couple more things they need work on in the future-
Work out a better respawn system.
The respawn system they had in this game was a mix of combat challenge and FOB respawn. They had a white rag/red rag medic/kill system that if you have been to combat challenge will sound familiar for you. If you were killed and unable to be medicd with a white rag, or already had been, you would have had to hike all the way back to the FOB. This is one way to make alot of people want to cheat.

If the teams are unbalanced, find a way to tip the game in the smaller teams favor.
The Desert hawks were able to do this very well at the most previous Red Sleigh down game last December where the Russian forces were outnumbered. The staff was able to tip the game in their favor by providing extra medics and moving NATO troops around and distracting them with side objectives and other such things to give the russians a chance. At OPWF, as always, the Russians were outnumbered. However, no kind of leeway was made for us in the objectives or troop movement. Whenever we made any kind of headway into the main part of the town, we were wiped out simply because our numbers were just too little to hold back what was commonly twice our force count. This is what made the Russians "lose" the game and caused quite a few of us to loose interest in the last couple of hours, not just due to heat and fatigue but because of impossible odds.

That just about covers it I think.

Overall, would I do it again? Yes i would, getting to airsoft at Old Tucson in itself was a blast. Would I go back a third time if nothing improved or changed? No I would not..

Re: Operation Western Front feedback

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:23 pm
by THKInternational
IconarmsDealer wrote:I echo what Ulti had to say. This venue was a blast! All the Negatives aside.It was well worth the $80.00 IMO.
KIley I have a PM heading your way.

Re: Operation Western Front feedback

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:35 pm
by mahabra695
What couldve gone better:
-More admin (they had one)
-Stricter rule enforcement
-Clearer communication between admin/ game staff
-Spawn points were a little biased towards the Tan team
-Make obivous common sense rules clear (not TA's fault that people were stupid enough to shoot the cows and take cover in the parking lot)
-Make the more complex rules clear to the younger crowd (ex: medic rules, objectives, etc)
-Better organization (ex: chrono, start times, briefings, etc)

Other than those, I think it went well for TA's first attempt at a milsim OP. You can email this to them if you would like THK.

Re: Operation Western Front feedback

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:08 pm
by Mclovin
i know that i didn't go but while i was talking to ulti i thought it a good idea that when Old tucson closes for a holiday depending on that day maybe they could have a 2 day event there and keep the price the same or close to it so that even though OT is not open that day they could get some extra revenue for it.
Just a thought though

Re: Operation Western Front feedback

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:53 am
by IconarmsDealer
Mclovin wrote:i know that i didn't go but while i was talking to ulti i thought it a good idea that when Old tucson closes for a holiday depending on that day maybe they could have a 2 day event there and keep the price the same or close to it so that even though OT is not open that day they could get some extra revenue for it.
Just a thought though

Ah its a bit more complex than that.....

Re: Operation Western Front feedback

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:07 am
by IconarmsDealer
THKInternational wrote:I did talk to them but near the end of game 3 there was like 5-7 russians playing to 31 ish player so they called it 30 early but they split teams evenly and they played the last 30 found a giant foam block and tried to use it as C4 but they (toxic) thought that The TAC players where disappointed with the game and left early or quit. Ultimentra explained to me that he was at his limit and Slim seemed there too I brought alot water and some jerky so I had a little more energy near the end of the day. But this is just to adress issues and concerns for the guys at Toxic.
food was awesome BTW that is probably where most of the money went.
I talked to the "ULTIMATE" lady said she was very satisfied with how things went only a small window damage I bleive at one point the ASM guys lent her a gun on the US team and she played a good 10 minutes before she got out.

I was not concerned with being outnumberd 2:1, The 34Th and those players attached to us were the most cohesive squad there.Moving as a squad we were more effective than squads twice our size.
As for Limits, let me be clear we are rolling with full kit, weapons, and water about (30lbs) . Are opponents are rolling in BDUs three magazines and and AEG.
Not to mention that the green factions FOB/Respawn was 400 yards away from any given point of action.
I care less about Great chow, and more about great game...
TA has received my feedback Directly...As it should be. Perhaps they can take these suggestions and try it again. This is a great place to play, and done correctly would put Tucson on the National, perhaps international airsoft Map. This Ao with a Good scenario based, objective and prop heavy event would rock.and could support a 200-250 player event with ease....its all about the $$$$$$

Re: Operation Western Front feedback

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:34 pm
by The Honey Badger
None of us need to tell them what the mistakes were, they know, and will correct accordingly.

My only worry is weather they took a bath or not. Regardless of my opinions and those like me, I hope TA didn't get raped by OT because it cost TA more to put it on then they collected. Even though I have no desire to play on TA's field (or DP's for that matter) I do not wish them ill in anyway, and I hope they prosper and learn from mistakes.