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01.08.11 TAC Meeting Notes

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:49 am
by KileyHAZ
Continuing Organization Public Relations (Gun shows):
Clayton volunteered to strike up some conversations and pass out some basic flyers at the next gun show or two as he usually attends. We would ask that that anyone who attends feel free to spread the word. Note that there is no expectation or desire to demo any weapons or uniforms that are not already on the floor for sale but striking up a conversation at a gun show should be easy.

Continuing Organization Public Relations (Adopt a Highway):
Kiley volunteered to look into the ADOT adopt a highway program again. If this program is funded again then he will return to the group with the information and get a heading on who would be interested in participating.

Rules Update (Non pyrotechnic poppers):
Kiley will update the rules to include provisions for non pyrotechnic popping devices to be used with game props. Examples of this would be mines filled with ground poppers or trip wires that make use of confetti champagne poppers. Group agreed that range should remain consistent with hand grenades AOE rules.

Charity Events (Easter):
Kiley has agreed to take the action item of researching and posting a charity event. At this time the event planned is the revival of the old TAC Easter Eggstreme format of game. It will be planned for the easter time and be a charity event. The board is accepting ideas of what charity to support.

Motion for Forum restrictions:
There was a motion to restrict AO and event forums to those who were members only. The chief concern was that non airsofters could see and use AO and event information to make use of our grounds or crash a game. After discussion on the matter the group at large decided that based on the past several years this behavior was not prevalent enough to warrant forcing new players or guests to sign up for the forums when looking at game postings. The motion was dismissed with no changes planned.