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Night Op Teams?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:45 pm
by Farostalay
I'm looking to join a team or possibly start one. I haven't played much airsoft yet but I like to think I am getting better. I know my current outfit isn't really good for daytime games but I was hoping of maybe playing night op type games/milsims. I see many of the teams require desert type fatigues but I don't have any yet and am unsure of when I will be able to. So my question is, are there any teams that might be willing to bring me on as an operative?

Re: Night Op Teams?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:13 pm
by ultimentra
Once you play a game out here with TAC, you'll see why people don't usually wear black :D . But on a more serious note, if your interested in joining a team right away, you may want to look into what you would be willing to purchase and what not, as having the uniform, taking orders, and being a team player is part of the cost of having buddies who will have your back 100%, not just on the field but if you need a ride, if you need to borrow gear, etc. TAC also has a few guys that are loners, and they typically are put in whatever side needs some guys. Don't be afraid to be a loner though, even if its just for awhile until you get squared away. Thats what I did at first anyway, sometimes played with a friend or two, then found a team that suited my style. :)