Silverbell pick ups 05.21.11

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Re: Silverbell pick ups 05.21.11

Postby Striker on Sat May 21, 2011 2:01 pm

I can't say for sure that they are, no. But if i was vengeful and vindictive, i would be. The best thing he could do is to just let it go at this point. Im sure he has told you about what happened. and im sure you have told him that there is nothing that can be done. Ive had chocolate dropped on my hood in the middle of summer. You know what i did? Cleaned it off and moved on. Some people are just dicks, regardless.
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Re: Silverbell pick ups 05.21.11

Postby yellow_fever on Sat May 21, 2011 2:26 pm

RamboReserekted wrote:there are some large fowl out there... when I went to chronos night game a while back (where nobody showed) there was a HUGE screech owl... could've been a predotory bird who dropped an egg?

That actually happened to me two weeks ago in town. Little pigeon egg dropped on top of my truck.
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Re: Silverbell pick ups 05.21.11

Postby ultimentra on Sat May 21, 2011 3:32 pm

Look striker, I am not pissed off about this and neither should you be. I am not going to just keep my mouth shut though, if something like this happens I am gonna let people know about it. Whats to stop someone from slashing my tire next time? Probably nothing, but you know damn well I am put it up and here and someone will have likely saw something.

Look, I would like to think that it was a bird egg, or some kids when my car was parked outside my house last night, I want to believe that I can trust you guys. But were all human beings here.

I mean really, what was the point of your post?

"Nobody here did it, your being an asshole for saying it could have been us and now your an asshole because you posted it on the forums."
What the hell man?
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Re: Silverbell pick ups 05.21.11

Postby Striker on Sat May 21, 2011 5:00 pm

I had to read what i said, to make sure im right about this. I didn't use any profanity towards you. So there is your first mistake, accusing me of calling you an "asshole". I also never said anything about you being "pissed off". What i said was there was nobody up by the cars alone, EVERYONE was accounted for during the game. Until after the game, when a few people, wearing multi-cam, went up to the cars. You were one of them. Im not telling you to keep your mouth shut. But you talked to everybody in person, and nobody said anything about doing it. Then you go on here, and try and make a bigger spectacle out of it than it is. If they didn't admit to it in person, why would they on here? So there are more people present to discredit themselves in front of? I guess what im asking is, what's the point?
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Re: Silverbell pick ups 05.21.11

Postby Crono0001 on Sat May 21, 2011 5:24 pm

You know what's funny? After you accused us at the game when we were standing around, we all unanimously agreed that you were going to jump on the forums and do exactly what you did. Your post, in all honesty, would have been fine. It wasn't such a big deal for you to state that your car got egged, we understand. Your main mistake is this:

Like I said when I talked to you guys, im not gonna get mad at whoever did it, I just want an apology.

That sentence infers that you 100% assume it was one of us. The funny thing is, you confronted us once face to face. We all told you that none of us did it, and that all of us were accounted for. Now you go onto these forums and post it again, to what purpose?

Let's go ahead and assume that the person who did it is someone on this forum. You think they're really going to come forward and apologize? If anything, you crying here is only incentive for them to go ahead and do it again.

You know Ulti, I don't like you. I never did since the first game I played with you where you acted like an @$$ to me and my friends when we were having gun problems. And if you weren't such a @#$%!, I'd actually feel sorry for you. And you know what? The general consensus among us players after you left did feel bad for you. But instead of understanding the people that actually care, you go on here and accuse us again.

Use your brain, I know it's somewhere under that gigantic fro of yours. All of us were with someone else at one point or other. The only people unaccounted for is Jun when he left for the car, and Michael a few times. The only way for your car to get egged by us players is if more than one of us agreed to do it, or watched one of us doing it and let it happen. And I'm sure we would have put more than just one egg on your car, we're carrying guns after all.
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Re: Silverbell pick ups 05.21.11

Postby quadro on Sat May 21, 2011 6:08 pm

There has been far too much off topic banter in the event forums. Please keep it to event info, questions, and rsvp.

To this thread: Locked! There is too much accusing and is starting to get out of hand with language and demeaning of fellow players. If you want to speak like that then do it pm's or in person.
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